Higher Self
The original piece on 5mm wooden board in acrylics including metalic and "Goldest gold" incorporates a chevron amethyst crystal, programmed with bioresonance to create a connection to Arcturian Starseed origins, and a second program to boost self worth. The image depicts the Bootes constellation with Arcturus.
The bioresonance program is intended to help those in its presence to understand their mission and life purpose, improving spiritual gifts and receptivity to light language. You may experience the start of a spiritual awakening when you spend time near this painting, feeling a growing openness to universal love and closeness to celestial beings and a special connection to the Arcturian Starseed race, along with improved astral travelling abilities and clearing of astral body. The Self Worth program is intended to increase your understanding of your true value, allowing you to step into your power.
Prints are available with or without quartz crystals programmed to the formula of the original piece, added by the artist.